Macron Admits France Could Have Prevented Rwandan Genocide

President Emmanuel Macron acknowledges that France and other nations had the capability to halt the 1994 Rwandan genocide, which saw the brutal massacre of over 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus by ethnic Hutu extremists.

In a video message, Macron expressed regret, stating that France, along with its Western and African allies, lacked the determination to intervene and prevent the genocide from occurring.

The video is scheduled to be broadcast during the 30th commemoration of the Rwandan genocide, with the attendance of notable figures including French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné and former US President Bill Clinton.

Recent years have witnessed a thaw in relations between France and Rwanda, following longstanding tensions over France’s suspected involvement in the genocide. Despite denying complicity, France has faced accusations of not taking sufficient action to halt the atrocities.

During a visit to Rwanda in 2021, Macron emphasized France’s obligation to acknowledge its role in the suffering inflicted upon the Rwandan people, stressing the importance of truth and accountability over maintaining silence.

This acknowledgment by Macron reflects a significant shift in France’s stance regarding its historical involvement in the Rwandan genocide, signaling a step towards reconciliation and accountability.

Credit : BBC

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