Is “Voluntold” the Most Annoying Corporate Jargon Ever?

A communication expert explains how to handle it. According to Parade, the term “voluntold” might be one of the most irritating corporate phrases out there. This term, a blend of “volunteer” and “told,” describes a situation where you’re assigned a task without actually volunteering for it.

Originally from military slang, “voluntold” has become popular in the corporate world, especially in the early 2000s. It refers to someone being assigned a task without their consent, making them feel like they had no choice but to accept.

Stephanie Osmanski from Parade highlights that while this term is widely used, it can be frustrating when you find yourself in this situation. Communication expert Karen Laos, who has worked with major companies, notes that being “voluntold” often happens when a boss or coworker delegates a task under the guise of giving you an opportunity, but really just wants to avoid the responsibility themselves.

To handle being voluntold, Laos suggests setting boundaries and asking questions like, “What should I put on hold if I take this on?” or “Am I the best person for this?” Avoiding aggressive responses, such as saying “That’s not my job!” is crucial to maintaining professional relationships.

For more tips on how to address being voluntold and avoid frustration, Parade provides expert advice and practical solutions.

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