Sam George, a key figure behind Ghana’s strict anti-LGBTQ law, claims he’s protecting gay people’s rights from abuse.

However, the law he championed imposes harsh penalties just for being LGBTQ, including fines and prison time.

Despite George’s defense, this law deeply concerns LGBTQ Ghanaians and could limit their access to essential services.

The bill’s passage is seen as a win for conservative groups in Ghana and is part of a wider trend of anti-LGBTQ legislation across Africa.

George has admitted to meeting with conservative groups in the United States, raising questions about external influence on Ghanaian policies.

Now, it’s up to President Nana Akufo-Addo to decide whether to sign the bill into law. He faces pressure from both local conservatives and the international community, which could impose sanctions on Ghana if the law is enacted.

With Ghana already facing economic challenges, the potential loss of international financing adds another layer of complexity.

One possible way out for the president is to let the courts decide the fate of the bill. A legal challenge is underway, offering Akufo-Addo a diplomatic exit from a politically charged situation.

However, supporting LGBTQ rights in Ghana remains a contentious issue, with strong opposition from politicians and religious leaders.

Navigating this political minefield presents a difficult task for Ghana’s president, with implications for both domestic and international relations.

(Source: CNN)

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