Sejmflix” Takes Poland by Storm as Livestreamed Parliament Sessions Go Viral

Poland is experiencing a political craze with its daily livestreams from the parliament, known as the Sejm, drawing massive online audiences, some exceeding a million viewers. The popularity is so immense that a major cinema in Warsaw, Kinoteka, is now screening the sessions, offering a unique blend of politics and popcorn.

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki faces a crucial deadline on Monday, needing to present his cabinet for a vote of confidence. Failing to secure enough support is anticipated, leading the way for a coalition government led by Donald Tusk, which holds a majority in the Sejm.

This surge in public interest follows a record voter turnout in October, with democracy gaining momentum, especially among women and young people concerned about perceived threats to democratic principles under the right-wing Law and Justice Party (PiS) government.

The key issue is the rule of law, leading to the EU withholding over €30 billion in Covid recovery funds due to concerns about Poland’s judiciary politicization. Tusk’s coalition vows to prioritize restoring the judiciary’s independence, but challenges persist.

The battle over the judiciary is not only affecting democracy but also impacting Poland’s access to EU recovery funds, crucial for various public needs. Additionally, Tusk’s coalition aims to reform state media labeled a “factory of lies and hatred.”

As Poland eagerly awaits its new government, promises of judicial reforms, media overhaul, and attention to issues like abortion laws will be under scrutiny. Women’s groups, in particular, are hopeful for changes in abortion legislation.

The news has captivated the nation, with cinemas screening parliamentary sessions, reflecting the public’s high engagement. The transition of power in Poland is not just a political event but a societal shift, with citizens actively participating in shaping the country’s future. [Source: BBC]

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