Prince Harry is heading to the UK to see his dad, King Charles, who’s been diagnosed with cancer. Harry’s spokesperson said he’s been in touch with his father about it.

Harry and Meghan have been living in the US since they stepped back from royal duties in 2020. Their relationship with some other royals has been rocky.

Meghan and the kids will stay in the US while Harry visits. Last time Harry was seen at a royal event was during the King’s Coronation in May, but he left right after.

He wasn’t invited to the balcony appearance at Buckingham Palace afterward. Recently, Harry was in the UK for libel cases against newspapers.

He and Meghan have been open about their struggles with royal life in their memoir, interviews, and documentaries.

Harry mentioned that his dad, King Charles, stopped taking his calls when he wanted to discuss stepping back from royal duties. Despite their differences, they still have a relationship.

The King called Harry himself to share the news of his cancer diagnosis.

This information comes from BBC.

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