Israeli Army Detains Palestinians in Gaza: Forced Stripping and Detainment

A 22-year-old Palestinian recently shared his account with the BBC, describing how he and dozens of others were detained by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in northern Gaza.

Verified footage shows men stripped to their underwear, kneeling under Israeli soldiers’ guard. The IDF claims they were searching for Hamas members linked to an alleged massacre on October 7.

The detained individuals were taken to an undisclosed location, questioned about their ties to Hamas, and subjected to what appears to be humiliating treatment.

Israeli officials defend the actions, stating they were gathering information on those responsible for recent attacks.

UNRWA workers were among those detained, raising concerns about the broader impact on innocent civilians.

The situation continues to unfold, with some detainees released while others, including a journalist, remain in custody.(Source: BBC)

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