Palestinian Writer Refaat Alareer and Family Killed in Gaza Airstrike

Palestinians are mourning the loss of Refaat Alareer, a well-known writer and English literature teacher at Gaza’s Islamic University. Alareer, along with his brother, sister, and four nieces and nephews, lost their lives in an Israeli air strike in Gaza City. He had chosen not to evacuate despite the conflict.

Refaat Alareer, a founder of the non-profit “We Are Not Numbers,” aimed to share Palestinian stories globally. He co-edited “Gaza Unsilenced” and edited “Gaza Writes Back,” showcasing young writers in Gaza.

His former students remember him as a caring mentor who saw English as a way to break free from Gaza’s challenges.

In October, Alareer sparked controversy by likening Hamas’s attack on Israel to the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Israel later targeted the Islamic University where he taught.

Despite differing opinions on the conflict, Alareer’s tragic death has left a void in the literary and educational community. The international literary world mourns the loss of a passionate educator and advocate for Palestinian voices.

Source: BBC

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