A year ago, the Titan submersible tragically failed during a mission to explore the Titanic wreck. Ocean explorer Victor Vescovo believes this disaster could lead to safer future deep-ocean trips.

James Cameron, another deep-ocean expert, emphasized that exploring the ocean requires extreme caution and knowledge, unlike the “move fast and break things” mentality of Silicon Valley.

The Titan’s implosion was a personal loss for Vescovo, as his friends and colleagues PH Nargeolet and Hamish Harding were on board.

Despite the incident, Vescovo hopes it won’t discourage people from deep-sea exploration, which is crucial for discovering new species, understanding geological events, and studying climate change.

The Titan was unusual in design, made from carbon fiber rather than metal or acrylic like most deep-diving submersibles.

Experts had warned about its safety since 2018, but those warnings were ignored. Vescovo stresses that there are safe and established methods for building and operating deep-sea submersibles, and properly certified submersibles have a strong safety record.

The disaster might lead to stricter safety regulations, similar to how the Titanic tragedy led to the creation of Safety of Life at Sea (Solas) regulations.

While it’s important to innovate and push boundaries, commercial passengers should not be exposed to uncalibrated risks. Experimental craft should be allowed for advancing technology, but passengers should be aware of the risks.

Deep-ocean tourism, while controversial, funds technological advancements and should be made safer through proper safety protocols. Exploration should continue because it helps us understand and preserve our world.

Cameron’s closing words capture the sentiment well: “Exploration will proceed because it must, and because it is part of the human spirit… If it’s done right, it can be done safely.”

This summary is based on a report from the BBC.


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