In this insightful article inspired by Parade, the importance of seeking help and support is emphasized, breaking down the barriers associated with asking for assistance. The piece provides practical, therapist-approved phrases for reaching out, highlighting the strength in vulnerability and the value of collaboration. It encourages respectful communication, fostering stronger relationships and a supportive community. The seven supportive phrases range from expressing stress to seeking advice, ensuring the reader approaches others with kindness and humility. Overall, the article acknowledges the universal need for support while offering actionable ways to seek it. Credit goes to Parade for the original content.

How to Get Help and Support When You Really Need It.

Have you ever struggled and found it hard to stay positive, not knowing how to seek help? It’s common for everyone, including therapists. Even with a background in helping others, it doesn’t mean we have all the answers. We all go through tough times, and asking for help or encouragement is crucial. But how do you begin? No worries—here are seven simple phrases to ask for support, straight from a therapist.

“Is it hard for you to ask for help nicely? Lots of folks find it tough because it takes guts to admit you need support. Some think it makes them weak, but that’s not true. It actually shows strength, self-awareness, and a desire to get through tough times without faking positivity. We can’t handle everything alone, and sometimes, reaching out to our support system, even if it’s just a few people, is the best choice.

When you’re in a tough spot, asking for help politely and gracefully can avoid feeling embarrassed or ashamed. It’s great to know there are people ready to help. Being kind and humble increases the chances of:

  1. Making others feel respected.
  2. Getting a positive response that leads to real help.
  3. Strengthening your relationships with those you ask.
  4. Showing you value their time and appreciate their willingness to assist.
  5. Demonstrating a positive character, self-awareness, and a commitment to good relationships, both personal and professional.

Now, let’s check out some words you can say when talking to the people in your life and asking for their help.

7 Supportive Phrases

I’ve been really stressed lately. Can we chat? Sometimes, just talking helps clear my mind. Sharing my feelings empties my mind so I can handle other stuff. Using this phrase tells someone you’re overwhelmed and asks if they’d be willing to talk. It lets them help without feeling stressed themselves.

I really like your point of view. Can I ask your advice on something bothering me? It feels good when people trust your thoughts, right? Saying this shows you trust them and asks for their thoughts in a way that helps both of you. It’s like working together.

Can we talk for a bit? It’s totally fine if you’re busy.” Not everyone can help right away. Asking if someone has a few minutes to talk or assist, either in person or online, shows you respect their time. Adding that it’s okay if they can’t helps them feel okay about not being able to help immediately.

I’m having a tough time juggling everything. Can we talk about how I can get some extra help? Once I clear some tasks, I can help you too.” Whether it’s work or chores, it’s important to be clear about what’s challenging. People can better understand and help when they know exactly what you need. Sharing your struggle also makes them feel for you, and offering to help them later shows it’s a team effort.

“I’ve tried a few things to make this work. Could you check it out when you have time?” It’s frustrating when someone asks for help without trying first. This can lead to feeling stuck and giving up easily. It’s important to overcome this so you don’t push people away. Telling someone you’ve already tried shows you genuinely need help and aren’t just using them. Also, by mentioning it’s not urgent, they won’t feel pressured to help right away.

“Since you’ll already be there, can you help me with this when I arrive?” It’s polite to ask for help when it’s convenient for the other person, like if you know they’ll be around. This phrase also makes it clear they can say no if they want to, even if they don’t have a specific reason. Be ready for that, even if it’s a bit frustrating.

I know this might be a bother, and I’m sorry ahead of time. Can you help me with…?” Starting a request by saying sorry and recognizing it might be inconvenient shows you understand and respect their time. It avoids awkwardness, especially if they can’t help for reasons like health, time, or money. Being specific about what you need also helps them decide if they can help or not.


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