When you get your blood pressure checked, the position of your arm really matters. A new study found that common arm positions can give incorrect readings, often making it seem like you have high blood pressure when you actually don’t.

Parade reports that resting your arm on a surface gives the most accurate results, according to research published in JAMA Internal Medicine.

The study tested 133 people in three different arm positions: arm resting on their lap, hanging by their side, and resting on a surface.

The results showed that if your arm is by your side, your blood pressure reading can be higher by about 6.5 points for systolic pressure (the top number) and 4.4 points for diastolic pressure (the bottom number).

Even resting your arm in your lap can cause a higher reading, as Parade explains. This overestimation could lead to a false diagnosis of high blood pressure.

Parade highlights that this study emphasizes the importance of resting your arm properly to avoid incorrect readings.

The American Heart Association also gives some helpful tips: make sure your feet are flat on the floor, sit quietly for five minutes, avoid caffeine and exercise for 30 minutes beforehand, and test your blood pressure twice for the most accurate result.

Parade adds that the more accurate your blood pressure reading, the better you can manage your health and avoid unnecessary worries about hypertension.

Following these tips can help you keep your blood pressure in check and avoid false alarms about high blood pressure.

Credit : Parade


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