Being outside at night can be nice, but it might not be as healthy as you think. Parade reports that a new study warns that air pollution and bright city lights could increase your risk of having a stroke.

This study, published in the journal Stroke by the American Heart Association, found that exposure to artificial light at night could raise your chances of having a stroke by 43%.

This happens because bright lights at night can mess with your sleep and lead to health problems like clogged arteries, which can cause strokes.

The study looked at over 28,000 adults in China and found that those with the highest exposure to outdoor lights at night had the highest risk of stroke.

It’s not just the lights, though. Air pollution from things like cars and factories can also up your stroke risk by 50%.

But don’t panic just yet. While this news is concerning, there are things you can do to protect yourself.

Try to get sunlight during the day to help regulate your sleep, wear sunglasses and hats outside at night to block some of the light, and avoid screens before bed.

And don’t forget the basics of staying healthy, like exercising, eating well, and getting enough sleep.

So, next time you’re out at night, remember to take care of yourself and watch out for those bright lights and polluted air.

Credit : Parade

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