New Study Warns: One Habit Raises Women’s Heart Disease Risk by 45%

A recent study highlights a concerning finding: women who consume eight or more alcoholic drinks per week face a 45% increased risk of developing coronary heart disease.

Moderate drinking also poses risks, with those having three to seven drinks per week facing a 29% higher risk compared to those who drink less. Even binge drinking, defined as three or more drinks in a day, leads to a 68% increased risk.

This raises questions about what constitutes safe alcohol consumption. While a glass of wine per day has been linked to reduced heart disease risk, moderation is key.

Women are particularly vulnerable due to factors like smaller body size, hormonal differences, and lower levels of enzymes that break down alcohol.

Understanding the risks is crucial, especially considering other heart disease factors like age, family history, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

If concerned, consult a doctor for personalized advice.

(Credit: Parade)

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