Yakir is worried about not being able to talk to his boyfriend when his Israeli army unit enters the Gaza Strip to fight against Hamas. He hasn’t told his family about the mission to avoid worrying them, and he’s uncertain about the outcome.

Before the conflict, Yakir didn’t want to be a soldier and had considered medical grounds to avoid reserve duty. However, after a Hamas attack on October 7, he volunteered for active duty, feeling it was necessary to eliminate the threat posed by the group.

Yakir describes the impact of the war on civilian life, acknowledging civilian casualties but emphasizing that Israel didn’t start the conflict. He expresses a hope for a quick end to the war or a replacement so he can return home.

The situation has brought a sense of unity among Israelis, overcoming previous divisions. Yakir emphasizes that feeling unsafe is a national trauma, and the events of October 7 have united the nation.

As we conclude, Yakir admits to being very afraid, citing the threat of terrorists emerging from tunnels and the absence of alerts in Gaza. He mentions the loss of a fellow officer in his unit and the constant danger they face.

My Perspective: Yakir’s story sheds light on the personal impact of the conflict in the Middle East. It illustrates the difficult choices individuals face during times of war and the toll it takes on their personal lives. The unity he speaks of, arising from shared trauma, is a powerful testament to the profound effect of the conflict on the nation’s psyche.

Source: This information was originally reported by BBC.


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