Why It’s Totally Normal (and Sometimes Beneficial) to Talk to Yourself, According to Experts

Ever caught yourself having a conversation with, well, yourself? Turns out, it’s absolutely normal, say mental health experts, and it’s something many people do.

Parade reports that talking to oneself, whether out loud or internally, is a common behavior often kept under wraps due to societal norms.

Psychologist Dr. Craig Kain emphasizes that the silence around this habit can make individuals feel abnormal when, in reality, it’s widespread.

Experts shed light on why talking to oneself is entirely normal. Dr. Faisal Tai, a psychiatrist, notes that self-consciousness about the behavior may lead to more frequent self-talk when alone.

However, this internal dialogue is a common part of daily life, with both covert (in your head) and overt (out loud) self-talk playing roles.

Moreover, the habit serves various purposes. Psychotherapist Amy Morin points out that self-talk aids in emotional regulation, offering a means to gather thoughts and prevent anxiety or panic. It also doubles as a pep talk, potentially boosting confidence.

Additionally, talking to oneself can aid memory retention, helping recall names, facts, or the location of misplaced items.

While the general consensus is that talking to oneself is normal, experts caution that negative self-talk can be concerning. Dr. Kain highlights the potential harm of being overly critical, and Morin suggests cultivating self-awareness to foster kinder and more compassionate self-talk.

However, if self-talk becomes excessive or intrusive, it could be a red flag for mental health issues like anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, or psychosis. In such cases, consulting a mental health professional is advisable.

For those looking to curb self-talk or make it more positive, mindfulness techniques and redirection of thoughts through engaging activities are recommended. Ultimately, Parade assures that if your self-talk is generally positive and not causing harm, there’s no need to stop. The key is to strike a balance and seek help if needed.

Source : Parade


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