TV Signals Might Get Cut Next Year if Broadcasters Don’t Pay, Warns Communications Minister.

Ghana’s Communications Minister, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, is cautioning that TV signals to homes and offices could be stopped next year. The reason? Broadcasters allegedly aren’t paying for their use of the Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) platform.

DTT is a tech for broadcasting TV content in a digital format. The government has covered the platform’s costs, but it’s becoming too expensive. The Minister says some media houses haven’t paid despite warnings.

She insists that if broadcasters don’t pay, the platform might shut down, meaning we won’t receive TV signals. The Minister wants broadcasters to work together to keep the DTT platform running.

However, the President of the Ghana Independent Broadcasters Association (GIBA) disagrees, saying they’re against arbitrary fees and that the Minister doesn’t have the right to set them. There’s a legal dispute over the fees.

A Member of Parliament suggests a compromise, acknowledging the need for fees but urging collaboration between GIBA and the Ministry.

In simpler terms, TV signals might stop because broadcasters aren’t paying fees, and there’s a disagreement between the government and broadcasters over how much should be paid.

Based on information from myjoyonline.

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