ANC Proposes Unity Government After Losing Majority

South Africa’s African National Congress (ANC) has proposed forming a national unity government after losing its majority in the recent elections. The ANC, which received about 40% of the vote, has begun talks with other parties, including the Democratic Alliance (DA) and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), to form a coalition.

This is the first time the ANC has lost its majority since Nelson Mandela’s historic win in 1994. To govern, any coalition needs over 50% of the vote.

ANC spokesperson Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri stated that South Africans want cooperation among all parties. Although they have reached out to many parties, including former President Jacob Zuma’s MK party, negotiations are ongoing.

Forming a unity government could help the ANC avoid the challenge of choosing a coalition partner. A partnership with the DA could anger ANC supporters due to policy differences, while alliances with radical parties like MK or EFF might unsettle the business community.

Despite these challenges, Bhengu-Motsiri remains hopeful, emphasizing the potential for a new era of hope through collaboration. The ANC’s national executive committee will meet on Thursday to decide the next steps.

Historically, South Africa had a similar unity government post-1994 elections, where Mandela’s ANC worked with the National Party and the Inkatha Freedom Party, despite past conflicts.

For more details, visit the BBC.

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