Kamala Harris, the Democratic candidate for president, gave her first-ever interview with Fox News, where she had many heated moments with host Bret Baier.

The interview, which lasted 25 minutes, focused on difficult topics like immigration, transgender rights for prisoners, and President Biden’s mental health.

Throughout the interview, Harris and Baier interrupted each other often, with Harris at one point asking to finish her answer, reported the BBC.

Harris decided to appear on Fox News, a network known for criticizing her, as recent polls show most male voters support her Republican opponent, Donald Trump.

This gender gap is even affecting her usual supporters, such as young people, Black voters, and Hispanic voters, according to the BBC. Meanwhile, Trump appeared in a Fox town hall event with an all-female audience, trying to improve his standing with women voters.

One of the first topics Baier brought up was immigration, playing a clip of a mother whose daughter was killed by a migrant who crossed into the U.S. illegally. Baier asked Harris if she should apologize to families of victims killed by illegal migrants.

Harris expressed her sadness for the loss, saying, “I’m so sorry for her loss,” and acknowledging the tragedy, reported the BBC. She also defended her stance on immigration, saying she does not support decriminalizing border crossings, despite past accusations of changing her position.

When asked about taxpayer-funded gender reassignment surgery for prisoners, Harris avoided directly answering if she would support it as president, saying instead, “I will follow the law.”

Baier pushed for more details, and Harris mentioned that similar surgeries happened while Trump was president, but the BBC reported that no such surgeries occurred until 2022, after Trump left office.

On the topic of Biden’s leadership, Harris said that her presidency would not simply continue Biden’s policies. She also avoided answering questions about President Biden’s mental health, saying instead that Biden has shown good judgment and experience in his role.

When asked about whether Trump supporters were “stupid” or “misinformed,” Harris said she would never speak that way about Americans, reported the BBC. Instead, she used the moment to criticize Trump’s actions and policies.

Baier also pressed Harris on why she promised to “turn the page” in her campaign, despite being vice-president for over three years. Harris shifted focus to criticizing Trump instead of directly answering, according to the BBC.


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