“Four districts in Savannah Region are isolated by floods from the Upper West. Affected areas: Sawla, Tuna Kalba, North, and West Gonja. Part of the Busunu-Daboya road washed out, causing traffic. NADMO is working with local authorities to fix roads.

“Because of the serious damage, the North Gonja District Council has stopped cars from going between Busunu and Daboya.

The farms in the area are also damaged, and the animals, especially livestock, are suffering the most.

The leader of North Gonja, Adam Elliasu, said this disaster could have been avoided if the road builders had listened and used bigger drainage pipes as recommended. He thinks they can fix the road by redesigning or reengineering it.


People talking to JoyNews expressed sadness about not having a way to get to the isolated towns.

“I live near Daboya, but I arrived here at 10:00 am this morning, and even now, there hasn’t been a boat to take us across to my house,” shared Rukaya Rahman.

“The person who built this should be responsible for the trouble he’s caused.

Everyone in Daboya is gathering crops but can’t get across. So, in my opinion, the Council should allow travel again,” urged another local, Saaratu Drahamani.


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