Professor Stephen Adei, who used to be in charge at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), has left his position as an advisor at the finance ministry.

He decided to resign from the advisory board of the Ministry of Finance because he criticized how the economy was being managed.

He told a radio station called Asaase 99.5 that he left the role for personal reasons. He mentioned that he was part of the advisory board for eight years during the time of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the first term of Akuffo-Addo. He was on the advisory board of the Ministry of Finance until he chose to resign.

Finance Advisory Board Members

The current advisory board started its work in April 2018, but it’s not clear when Professor Adei gave his resignation.

This advisory board was set up following a law called the Civil Service Act of 1993. This law says that all ministries must create these advisory boards.

The advisory board’s main job is to make sure the ministry and its stakeholders (people involved in or affected by the ministry’s work) talk to each other often. They also give advice on the ministry’s plans and how things are done.

The board is led by the Minister of Finance, Ken Ofori-Atta, and has members like Kwaku Kwarteng, Patrick Nomo, and Abena Osei-Asare.

Other members include Dr. Yaw Adutwum, Kwasi Agyei, Kosi Yankey, Rev Kwabena Opuni Frimpong, Dr. Tony Oteng Gyasi, and Professor Stephen Adei.

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