Shocking Rise in Naked Assaults on Women in India: Legal Gaps Exposed

Earlier this month, a woman faced a horrifying ordeal in India when a mob attacked her home, stripped her naked, and paraded her in public. This distressing incident, sadly not uncommon in the country, has ignited public outrage. Legal experts and activists argue that existing laws are insufficient to address such heinous crimes against women.

The victim, given the pseudonym Sasikala, was targeted because her son had eloped with his girlfriend. The assailants sought information on the couple’s whereabouts and subjected Sasikala to brutal humiliation.

Law enforcement arrived after a tip-off, rescuing Sasikala and arresting over a dozen perpetrators. The incident prompted national attention, leading to the suspension of a local police officer for negligence. Karnataka’s Chief Minister condemned the act, promising justice and providing compensation to the victim.

This appalling incident is not isolated, with similar cases emerging from different states. In July, a viral video from Manipur depicted the assault on two women amid ethnic clashes. Other instances involve caste or familial conflicts, turning women’s bodies into battlegrounds.

Despite sporadic media coverage, many cases go unreported due to societal shame, fear of insensitive treatment by authorities, and a lack of support for survivors. Legal experts criticize the inadequacy of current laws, citing the need for harsher penalties to serve as a deterrent.

In a recent case, Karnataka high court judges expressed shock at the incident’s occurrence in modern India, emphasizing the importance of collective responsibility to prevent such atrocities. Activists argue for a cultural shift, urging better education to challenge ingrained gender norms and prevent future violence against women. (Source : BBC )

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