Woman’s Nightly Electric Shock Sensations Lead to Cancer Diagnosis

Carol McGachie, a 56-year-old mother-of-two from West Lothian, Scotland, experienced intense electric shock-like sensations every night when she tried to sleep.

The sensations, described as tingling pains shooting up her legs and down her arms, became unbearable, preventing her from getting any rest.

Initially prescribed painkillers for what was thought to be a sore back, Carol’s symptoms persisted and worsened, occurring during the day as well.

Concerned, she persisted with medical consultations and underwent nearly a year of tests and scans. Eventually, she was diagnosed with myeloma, an incurable form of blood cancer.

Following her diagnosis in October 2022, Carol underwent six months of chemotherapy at Western General Hospital, which has since put her cancer into remission. Despite the relief of remission, Carol faces the uncertainty of her condition possibly returning. She manages ongoing nerve pain with medication, although she still experiences discomfort in her fingers and toes.

Reflecting on her journey, Carol emphasizes the importance of being persistent with medical concerns and advocating for oneself. She encourages others to trust their instincts and push for further investigations if symptoms persist, even if initially dismissed by healthcare providers.

Looking ahead, Carol plans to focus on enjoying life with her husband and family, including travel and attending her daughter’s upcoming wedding.

Her story underscores the challenges of diagnosing myeloma early due to its vague symptoms, and she advocates for greater awareness and proactive testing to improve early detection rates.

Dr. Sophie Castell from Myeloma UK highlights the need for increased awareness among both patients and healthcare professionals about the symptoms of myeloma, urging quicker identification to prevent delays in treatment and minimize potential organ damage.

Carol’s experience serves as a reminder of the importance of listening to one’s body and advocating for thorough medical assessment when experiencing persistent symptoms, even if they seem benign at first.

This summary is based on a report from the BBC.


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