Fenugreek is a plant that people use for cooking and medicine. Its leaves, seeds, and other parts are used. Some believe that fenugreek extract can increase testosterone and help fight cancer.

Fenugreek is a strong healing plant.

People have used fenugreek for a long time because it’s good for health and can help with things like stomach problems and skin issues. Lately, people are talking about how it might raise testosterone levels, which is important for some health concerns. This article explains what fenugreek is, the good things it might do for health, and if it really helps increase testosterone in a natural way.

What Is Fenugreek?

Fenugreek is a plant that grows yearly and comes from India and North Africa. People all around the world grow it and use its parts like seeds and leaves in different ways, such as making supplements, powders, and teas. It’s also used in cooking, especially in Indian dishes.

In the past, fenugreek was used to help with various health issues. For example, in ancient Rome, they gave it to pregnant women to ease labor pains, and in traditional Chinese medicine, it was used for treating leg weakness and swelling.

Fenugreek’s leaves and seeds have a unique taste that’s a bit nutty, sweet, and a little bitter. The plant has special substances that are believed to give it healing properties. The seeds, in particular, have saponins and coumarins, which can be good for health by lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Because fenugreek seeds have these strong substances, when people make supplements, they often use concentrated extracts from the seeds or ground-up seed powder.

People have used different parts of the fenugreek plant in olden times to help with different health problems. Nowadays, people often make supplements from strong amounts of fenugreek seeds to use as medicine.

Precise Account On Fenugreek

People have used different parts of the fenugreek plant in olden times to help with different health problems. Nowadays, people often make supplements from strong amounts of fenugreek seeds to use as medicine.

Can Fenugreek Increase Testosterone Levels?

An Indian Fitness Influencer talks About The Importance Of Fenugreek Seed To The Testosterone In The Video Above

Fenugreek supplements are taken by people who want a natural way to boost their testosterone levels. Testosterone is a hormone that affects things like sex drive, energy, thinking ability, bone health, and mood in both men and women. As we get older, our testosterone levels usually go down, and health problems like being overweight or having diabetes can make them drop even more. About 39% of men over 45 might have low testosterone. Doctors often treat this with hormone replacement therapy, but some try herbal supplements as an alternative.

Study Shows What Scientists Discovered

Research suggests that fenugreek, a plant, might naturally boost testosterone due to its compounds like furostanolic saponins. Studies show that taking fenugreek supplements could raise testosterone and improve low testosterone symptoms. For instance, an 8-week study on athletic men found that 500 mg of fenugreek daily increased testosterone and enhanced strength. Protodioscin, a fenugreek compound, might be effective too. In a 12-week study, a 500-mg fenugreek supplement with protodioscin increased testosterone by up to 46% in 90% of participants, also improving mood, energy, and libido. Still, some studies disagree, underlining the need for more research. It’s worth noting that some studies were backed by fenugreek product makers, possibly influencing outcomes.

Some studies say that fenugreek supplements might make testosterone levels go up, but we need more research to be sure about this.

Healthy Ways To Increase Your Testosterone

If you’re worried about having low testosterone, it’s smart to talk to a doctor because it could be due to a health issue. Signs of low testosterone include a low sex drive, feeling tired, being down, having less energy, or problems with getting erections.

If a doctor says your testosterone is low, they’ll decide on the best treatment for you.

But there are some natural ways you can try to boost your testosterone:

  1. Lose extra body fat: If you’re overweight, shedding those extra pounds might help increase your testosterone.
  2. Exercise: Doing workouts, especially intense ones, like quick and tough training, can raise low testosterone in older men.
  3. Eat healthy: A diet with good proteins, fats, fruits, and veggies, while avoiding junk food and sugars, might help increase testosterone.
  4. Control sugar levels: High sugar in your blood can lower testosterone. Eating right, exercising, and losing weight can help lower sugar levels.
  5. Sleep well: If you don’t get enough sleep, your testosterone could drop, even if you’re young. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.
  6. Stay away from pollution: People who are around a lot of pollution might have lower testosterone. Try to avoid it when you can.

And there are other ways too:

  • Taking some vitamins and minerals, like vitamin D and zinc, might help raise testosterone.
  • A plant called ashwagandha could also boost testosterone.

But keep in mind, these tips might work differently for everyone. So, it’s a good idea to talk to a doctor before trying anything new, especially if you’re taking other medicines or have health problems.


To increase your testosterone naturally, you can:

  1. Lose extra body weight.
  2. Eat healthy foods.
  3. Exercise regularly.
  4. Control your blood sugar levels.

Remember to talk to your doctor about the best options for you.

Key Point

Lots of people use fenugreek supplements to try and boost their low testosterone levels naturally. Some studies say these supplements could raise testosterone, but others say they don’t do anything. So, we need more research to know if fenugreek really helps with low testosterone. If you’re worried about low testosterone or your doctor has told you that you have it, talk to them before you start taking any supplements, like fenugreek.

More Ways Fenugreek Can Benefit You

Fenugreek, a natural herb, might not only help those with low testosterone but also bring benefits in other areas.

It could increase breast milk production, which was seen in most of the studies reviewed.

For people with diabetes, fenugreek could lower high blood sugar levels and improve long-term blood sugar control.

Fenugreek seeds contain things that can fight inflammation, possibly helping conditions like asthma.

It might also lower cholesterol, especially in those with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

In lab tests, fenugreek extract showed potential in killing certain cancer cells like lymphoma and breast cancer cells.

Still, more research is needed to be very sure about how well fenugreek works for these conditions.


Fenugreek might help control sugar in the blood, boost milk production in breastfeeding, and reduce inflammation. But we need to study it more to be sure.

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