Paul Alexander was just six when he woke up trapped in a big metal tube, only his head poking out.

He had polio, leaving him unable to move, and the iron lung was keeping him alive by helping him breathe.

But instead of giving up, Paul fought on for 78 years, longer than anyone else ever has in an iron lung. He faced challenges every day, but he kept going with determination and support from his family and friends.

Despite his struggles, Paul didn’t let his condition stop him from living. He learned to breathe on his own for short periods, and even went to college and became a lawyer.

He lived alone for much of his life, which was no easy feat for someone who needed so much help. But he built a support network around him, including a dedicated caregiver and friends who helped him through the toughest times.

One remarkable moment came when Paul’s iron lung started leaking, putting his life in danger. A local mechanic stepped in to fix it, showing the power of community and kindness.

Paul’s story is not just about survival, but about resilience and the strength of the human spirit. He inspired people around the world with his positive attitude and determination to make the most of life, despite the challenges he faced every day.

Source: BBC

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