Vaccines are key to staying healthy, but how you prepare for them can impact how well they work. According to Parade, doctors and infectious disease experts say one of the worst things you can do before a vaccine is lie about your health history.

Dr. Nesochi Okeke-Igbokwe advises that you should always be honest when filling out health questionnaires. If you hide allergies, pregnancy, or other conditions, it can affect the vaccine’s safety for you. Being truthful ensures you get the right care and avoid complications.

There are other things to avoid, too. Parade highlights that doctors like Dr. David Cutler suggest you shouldn’t take anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen right before your shot since they can interfere with how your body responds to the vaccine. Instead, if you need them, wait until after the shot.

Doctors also recommend relaxing your muscles when getting the shot to reduce discomfort and avoiding alcohol beforehand, as it can weaken your immune system and worsen side effects, says Dr. Eve Elizabeth Pennie.

Plus, Dr. Pennie adds, don’t pull an all-nighter before your vaccine—rested bodies handle vaccines better. Keeping these simple tips from Parade in mind can help make your vaccination experience smoother and more effective.

Credit : Parade

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